When we say ‘we are going to Lord’s,” we don’t mean ‘we’ in the strictest sense (Image: Tina Tiller)
When we say ‘we are going to Lord’s,” we don’t mean ‘we’ in the strictest sense (Image: Tina Tiller)

Cricket World Cup 2019July 13, 2019

The Offspin podcast: previewing our big night at Lord’s, with Sonia Gray

When we say ‘we are going to Lord’s,” we don’t mean ‘we’ in the strictest sense (Image: Tina Tiller)
When we say ‘we are going to Lord’s,” we don’t mean ‘we’ in the strictest sense (Image: Tina Tiller)

It’s final time. The Offspin team are joined by actor, Lotto host and passionate cricket fan Sonia Gray – do we dare to believe in a Black Caps World Cup victory?

It’s still hard to fathom, but we’re in the final again. And it’s against the English, who overcame the sandpaper canaries. Ahead of that big last game we’ve convened a panel to assess the Black Caps’ chances, gaze at the state of the fans who’ve been on a five-week bender, and being preparations for Sunday’s final night.

Back in 2016, Sonia Gray wrote an incredible piece for The Spinoff about the importance of simply enjoying the moment when the Black Caps had success. After all, we’ve all had to deal with so much failure from the team, it can be hard to know how to absorb a win over the richest team in the world to make the World Cup final.

We also discuss the thrill of seeing Australia plummet back down to earth against England, talk about the lows that come with the joys of Black Caps fandom, and Alex shares a theory as to why Brexit will help the Black Caps win the final.

Plus, here’s Simon Day’s recipe for a perfect Black Cap Espresso Martini, which should help you get through a long night watching the final on Sunday.

  • Handful of ice
  • 25ml vodka
  • 35ml Kahlua
  • 35ml off an extra-strong plunger of Coffee Supreme

Put the ice in a Boston shaker, followed by the vodka, Kahlua and finally the coffee. Taste and add a little more liqueur if you prefer it sweeter. Shake vigorously for 30 seconds.

Double strain into chilled glasses. Serve immediately and repeatedly until Black Caps glory.

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For the six weeks of the Cricket World Cup, join hosts Simon Day, Alex Braae and a rotating squad of sloggers, change bowlers and outfielders on The Offspin after each of the New Zealand team’s games. With the Black Caps playing all their games at wildly inconvenient overnight times, Simon and Alex will be swapping sleep for cricket, then rolling into the studio to drink Coffee Supreme (proud sponsors of The Offspin) and offer their expert analysis of the World Cup.

Like, share and subscribe to The Offspin, and drink Coffee Supreme to keep you alive after long nights of cricket this World Cup.