Scan in
Scan in

SocietyJanuary 28, 2021

Unlock your phone, open the app: listen to Scan In, the NZ Covid Tracer song

Scan in
Scan in

Having a hard time remembering to scan in on the NZ Covid Tracer app when you’re out and about? Get this song stuck in your head and you’ll never forget again.

Learn the lyrics:

Aotearoa, it’s time to get scanning!

I mean if you think about it, it never really wasn’t time we just kind of got lazy

Scan in, scan in, scan scan scan in

Unlock your phone, open the app, QR code – would you look at that?

You’re scanned in, scan in, scan scan scan in

From Puhoi to Kirikiriroa, I scan wherever I go

It takes two seconds and there’s really nothing to it, so I get my phone out and just do it do it

Some people are too lazy, it takes two seconds baby

Pull that phone out and show me how you check in, scan it so good like it’s your profession

Unlock your phone, open the app, QR code – would you look at that?

You’re scanned in, scan in, scan scan scan in

If you start scanning habitually then eventually it comes naturally

It’s reality, the normality of needing location accuracy

I just want to reminisce, that time Dr Bloomfield said assiduous

Assidu-what? I hear you there

It means like scanning in with great care

I scan where I visit and I scan where I go

And sometimes there’s a person scanning real slow

And I stand and I wait and I feel kinda awkward coz it’s important to get location recorded

Unlock your phone, open the app, QR code – would you look at that?

You’re scanned in, scan in, scan scan scan in

What if my phone battery gets real low, paper and a pen is the way to go

There’s no excuse, there’s no good reason to not scan in this Covid season

Pen up, find a piece of paper, do it now you won’t remember later

Metaphorically scan in, scan in, scan scan scan in

Ka taea e koe te maumahara, maha ngā wāhi ia rā? (Can you remember heaps of places every day)

E kāo, tino rūkahu, hoki atu hoki atu (No, big lies, here we go again)

He aha te take? Mō Kimi Pāpātanga (what’s the reason? For contact tracing)

Ki te mōhio, kei te mōhio (if you know, then you know)

Kia tau, kia mau, noho ora mai e te whānau! (Stay calm, hold on, be safe whānau)

Unlock your phone, open the app, QR code – would you look at that?

You’re scanned in, scan in, scan scan scan in