A cluster of fresh green lettuce is centered against a dark green background with a lighter green speech bubble shape behind it. Surrounding the speech bubble are illustrations of chef faces making "OK" hand gestures and green exclamation marks.

OPINIONPoliticsJuly 8, 2022

(16) *spons 1* Breaking or ongoing article that deserves embedded ongoing updates

A cluster of fresh green lettuce is centered against a dark green background with a lighter green speech bubble shape behind it. Surrounding the speech bubble are illustrations of chef faces making "OK" hand gestures and green exclamation marks.

This is just a regular old Spinoff article. This paragraph will be the standfirst as per usual.

And this is another paragraph to perhaps introduce the liveblog. Stay tuned for updates below!

And any text here will go below the liveblog updates. There could be dozens or hundreds of updates to the liveblog.

Keep going!