Business is Boring is a weekly podcast series presented by The Spinoff in association with Callaghan Innovation. Host Simon Pound speaks with innovators and commentators focused on the future of New Zealand. This week he’s joined by economist Tony Alexander.
As chief economist at the BNZ for 25 years, Tony Alexander held one of the biggest jobs in New Zealand economics. He helped advise the bank and nation through a lot of economic change and disruption – until last year, when he decided to disrupt himself and left.
Since then you can still find him in the media as one of the leading commentators, and now through Tony’s View, a weekly free newsletter, with a paid, more detailed, subscription offer. In a year in which a lot of commentators have come a cropper, his measured, data-driven offering has been invaluable.
Tony specialises in helping people understand the economy and making it simple and clear enough that they can make better decisions on their businesses and house purchases. It’s a big goal, but like the saying goes: any old fool can make something complex, it takes genius to make it simple.
To chat commentary, predictions, making yourself redundant, housing obsessions and what’s next for him and all of us, Tony Alexander joined us via Zoom from Wellington this week.
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