
KaiDecember 14, 2020

Dietary Requirements: What makes a good sandwich?


Two of Auckland’s best sandwich makers join sandwich aficionados Simon Day and Stewart Sowman-Lund to talk about their craft.

Why are sandwiches so good? It’s a question anybody who’s ever eaten a sandwich has probably wondered at some point in their life. And who better to ask than this week’s Dietary Requirements guests, Aletheia Elder of Hare and the Turtle and Huri Neill of Hero Sandwich House.

The pair are sandwich artisans at the crest of a new wave of Auckland sandwich culture, and two of their biggest customers are Simon Day and Stewart Sowman-Lund. With regular Dietary Requirements co-hosts Alice and Sophie out of action, the sandwich-loving lads step in to ask all the important questions.

What elevates a sandwich from good to great? What’s the optimal number of components? What’s New Zealand’s best sandwich (spoiler / not spoiler: it’s the chicken salad sandwich at The Fed). And if you could go anywhere in the world for any culture’s version of the sandwich this weekend, where would you go?

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