Ursula Cochran, Kelvin Berryman, Hugh Cowan

Ursula Cochran, Kelvin Berryman, Hugh Cowan

Guest writer

Dr Ursula Cochran is a freelance science writer from Wellington. She has a solid grounding in earthquake geology after 18 years as a research scientist at GNS Science. She has interests in neuroscience, parenting, and planet Earth, and aspirations for all New Zealanders to be safer and happier. Dr Kelvin Berryman is a natural hazards consultant at Berryman Research and Consulting. Previously he had 45 years with GNS Science undertaking hazard and risk research and managing major research initiatives. He was awarded a QSO in 2011 for services to science and the Canterbury earthquake recovery. Dr Hugh Cowan is a consultant in risk and resilience. He has contributed to international disaster risk reduction in Asia, the Americas and Scandinavia. In previous roles Hugh guided reinsurance and research investments at EQC and earlier led the establishment of GeoNet at GNS Science.