OpinionWe warned Kelvin Davis about the Waikeria uprisingThe conditions at Waikeria were called 'unfit for purpose' long before the protesters burned it down.By Emilie Rākete | 13th January, 2021Guest writer
OpinionThe whakapapa of police violenceFrom 1846, various militia formed the New Zealand Armed Constabulary Force, to 'combat Māori hostiles and to keep civil order'. In 1885 they changed uniforms and became the NZ Police. By Emilie Rākete | 29th December, 2020Guest writer
OpinionAll the iwi liaison officers in the world won’t reform the NZ PoliceA video of the arrest of an Auckland man has gone viral, as police violence goes under the microscope globally. It's all part of a familiar cycle, writes Emilie Rākete.By Emilie Rākete | 26th June, 2020Guest writer
OpinionThe whakapapa of police violenceFrom 1846, various militia formed the New Zealand Armed Constabulary Force, to 'combat Māori hostiles and to keep civil order'. In 1885 they changed uniforms and became the NZ Police. By Emilie Rākete | 4th June, 2020Guest writer
Armed police patrols are a dangerous response to a non-existent problemOn Friday it was announced that Armed Offenders Squad patrols will be trialled in Counties Manukau, Waikato and Canterbury over the next six months.By Emilie Rākete | 22nd October, 2019Guest writer
The Ngawha scandal proves Corrections cannot be trusted to change its own cultureOn Monday the government announced its new five-year strategy to reduce the Māori prison population. Emilie Rākete looks at another 'kaupapa Māori' prison initiative that degrades prisoners and asks if Corrections are capable of seeing it through.By Emilie Rākete | 24th August, 2019Guest writer
Free armour trimming: The Communist revolution inside RunescapeBefore Fortnite, there was Runescape. And well before Runescape, there was an eternal class struggle. Emilie Rākete writes about the moment the two collided in the most unexpected way.By Emilie Rākete | 29th March, 2019Guest writer
Unsafe and unjustified: Cops carrying guns endangers us allFrontline police in Christchurch have been told to carry guns until further notice following two incidents in the city during which police were shot at. But more guns are not the answer, argues Emilie Rākete.By Emilie Rākete | 2nd March, 2019Guest writer
Police uniforms were a deal breaker at Pride. So why weren’t they at Waitangi?Just days before today's Pride march, from which police withdrew after insisting on wearing uniform, officers were seemingly happy to be deployed in casual clothes at Waitangi Treaty Grounds. By Emilie Rākete | 9th February, 2019Guest writer
The Pride Parade issue is about racism tooEmilie Rākete on the issue that many of the Pride sponsors and participants have overlooked – it's not just about a history of transphobia and homophobia, it's about racism too.By Emilie Rākete | 26th November, 2018Guest writer